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Kull B:     


Født: 30/4-2006    


Far: Keans Alex

e. Youhais Smarte Saxon

u. Keans Amelia


Mor: Leonberget,z Qaribbean Queen

e. Lenberget,z Eldorado From Azkaban

u. Leonberget,z Prtige Edition


Valper:  (3 hanner - 1 tispe)

Amanda's Bror

Amanda's Bosse

Amanda's Bertil

Amanda's Bodil

Kull B valp 1

Kull B valp 1

Kull B valp 2

Kull B valp 2

Kull B valp 3

Kull B valp 3

Kull B valp 4

Kull B valp 4

N S UCH Keans Alex

N S UCH Keans Alex

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